The most advanced and intuitive Speedometer and Car Dashboard application that helps you drive safely.
This app should only be used if properly secured to be hands free and not in a position to cause distraction. Please drive carefully and only use this to enhance not inhibit your ability to drive.
Displays your current speed in either Miles per Hour or Kilometers per Hour. Displays your top speed achieved. Use to accurately find out how fast you are going using your device's GPS.
Be aware, this is only as accurate as your phone's hardware and GPS must be enabled. Recent changes to the Android OS may cause a longer than expected time before a signal is detected.
The Speedometer dan Dashboard Mobil aplikasi yang paling canggih dan intuitif yang membantu Anda berkendara dengan aman.
Aplikasi ini hanya boleh digunakan jika benar dijamin untuk menjadi tangan bebas dan tidak dalam posisi untuk mengganggu konsentrasi Anda. Silakan berkendara dengan hati-hati dan hanya menggunakan ini untuk meningkatkan tidak menghambat kemampuan Anda untuk mengemudi.
Menampilkan kecepatan Anda saat ini baik Miles per jam atau Kilometer per Jam. Menampilkan kecepatan tertinggi Anda tercapai. Gunakan untuk secara akurat mengetahui seberapa cepat Anda akan menggunakan GPS perangkat Anda.
Sadarilah, ini hanya seakurat hardware ponsel dan GPS harus diaktifkan. Perubahan terbaru pada OS Android dapat menyebabkan waktu yang lebih lama dari yang diharapkan sebelum sinyal terdeteksi.
The most advanced and intuitive Speedometer and Car Dashboard application that helps you drive safely.
This app should only be used if properly secured to be hands free and not in a position to cause distraction. Please drive carefully and only use this to enhance not inhibit your ability to drive.
Displays your current speed in either Miles per Hour or Kilometers per Hour. Displays your top speed achieved. Use to accurately find out how fast you are going using your device's GPS.
Be aware, this is only as accurate as your phone's hardware and GPS must be enabled. Recent changes to the Android OS may cause a longer than expected time before a signal is detected.